   t h e ve ctorf i l e s : recently added pages !
also visit   www.drive.to/stutz

due to some silly act by fortunecity.com the VECTORfiles were shut down in Dec 2001 without further announcement.
FC.com claimed that the VECTORfiles had been offering illegal software on their server which was never the case.
Hence we needed to find a new home for the approx 40 MB of webspace used.
The VECTORfiles website is a pure enthusiasts website and hopefully the new host will be our permanent address for quite some time

 page                                updated last on

vnews.htm                         July 1 ,   2000

-W8-008.htm                  July17 , 2000

-W8class.htm                  July 21, 2000

-W8-016.htm                August3, 2000

-W8gal.htm                   Sept 5 ,2000

-W8class.htm                Sept 12, 2000

-SRV8.htm                    Oct 6, 2000

-W8-001.htm   & complete registry updated!!   Oct 13,2000

2002 VECTORfiles removal to a new server.

-W8-001.htm   & complete registry updated!!   April 8,2002

older stuff that has not been sorted yet: (click)

Find out more about the VECTOR
-   W 2 - the prototype
-   W 8 - birth of the fastest American road car
-   WX 3 - Gerald Wiegert´s dream car
-   M 12 - the new start
-   SRV8 - the next generation Vector ???

  V E C T O R  A E R O M O T I V E

vector M12  left

c o n t a c t   <!> KAOS  <!> already read ?  <!> e g gt e c h  <!>  part II    <!>  kitchen <!>KAOS